Contact & Access

Come to the Centauris and contact us

Nearest airports

Saint Brieuc 25 minutes away, Rennes or Brest 1h30 away

TGV station 20 minutes away

To Saint Brieuc, 2h15 from Paris

By car

Halfway between Saint-Brieuc and Paimpol (20 mn)

Bus access 1km away

Tibus network linking the main towns in Côtes d'Armor

Our GPS coordinates: Latitude 48.633 and Longitude -2.957

From the D6 at Lanvollon, take the D9 towards Pléguien for 1.3km. The Centauris are signposted on your left. Coming from Pléguien, leave the town on the D9 and continue towards Lanvollon for 1.6km. The Centauris are signposted on your right.

You can contact us by telephone on 09 51 06 76 00 or by e-mail at,

or by using the contact form below.


3 Impasse des Genêts
22290 Pleguien